Close up photo of a brown trout caught with an Elmer Hinckley flutter Model 666 spoon.

Old Stock Delivers

Category: Fish Stories

Sent in by: Rob

This Beautiful Male was sent in by good friend of EHFT using an old stock 777, Similar to an 88 in size, this spoon can handle faster speed, and is one of Rob’s favorites

The Hinckley family hand cut flutter spoons for over 100 years. Digging through old stock bins when I acquired the tool I found these beautiful 777 spoons. Similar to the common finger lake 88, it is slightly thinner and can handle faster speeds. These were Charlie Misel hand cuts (great grandson of Elmer Hinckley) and I knew we had to test them. I gave some out, and good friend of EHFT and row troller Rob started calling me his first time using them. Do you have any more of them he asked. They catch fish when I row fast.

It’s a great spoon that I will be testing myself with old stock, and trying to hand cut some as well with fresh plating.

Test image

Old Hand Cut 777 from Charlie Misel
