Testing an old Charlie Misel (great grandson of Elmer Hinckley) hand cut silver 22 Phil had his trolling motor set on 3 with 2 colors of leadcore out when this brown trout and pickerel hit the same spoon. Both fish were released and the 22 went on to catch more brown trout. The 22 is an original Hinckley flutter spoon with a short wide profile. The back of the spoon is more bullnose and creates a lot of action. Tests with the old hand cuts are proving it has a place in the lineup. I’ve tested an old hand cut with plate burn caused from two spoons touching during the plating process with great success. At slower speeds the flutter spoon creates a nice steady soft bounce in the rod tip that fish can’t seem to resist.
I think the action of this spoon makes the difference vs any color combination since fishermen are having success with any finish. When this spoon is on the line big fish will be caught.